Chairperson Silvia Burley of the California Valley Miwok Tribe stands with this month’s delivery.
On Thursday, January 26th, 2023, the California Valley Miwok Tribe initiated the first of this years deliveries to the Food For Tribal Families Program.
It was once again a good delivery with an abundance of food stocks and various drinks including milk, tea, juices and soda, with additional tea and
coffee in dry form.
Weather was good with just a light chill in the air, and delivery was not made until about 5:00 p.m. but under existing light. So we are finally starting to
once again see an extension of our days.
On this trip throughout the Motherlode Chairperson Silvia Burley accompanied and was on hand to stand in with this month’s delivery of the program
she created so many years ago, in an effort to address the nutritional needs of her people long since abandoned by the local and incompetent BIA.
The tribe expects no civility, justice or the adhering to the rules by local BIA and expects them to continue to do their worse in regards to our tribal citizens.
It matters not for once again they will be vanquished as all times previously because we will continually be in the right and to do our best.
The real shame is the needless suffering by Native Americans and the local communities which would benefit if not for this one bought and paid for
department’s agenda that is so obsessive it has all the earmarks of a drug addiction. They care not for tribal citizens, so why would they care the damage
trying to fracture a tribe does in lack of extended services to local communities ?
On that note, we would like to thank all the federal, state and local participants who assist and do support the tribe and local communities listed below.
The United States Department of Agriculture, Cal-OES, FEMA, Costless Stores Inc., Walmart Stores Inc., Food For Less Stores Inc., The Grocery Outlet Inc.,
the greater community of Morada, all those who assist, Program Director Mildred Burley and Chairperson Silvia Burley.