

On Tuesday, May 29th, 2018, the California Valley Miwok Tribe delivered this month’s donations to its ( FFTF ) Food For Tribal Families, Director Mildred Burley for local distribution.

Mildred continues to be an inspiration for the tribe and fulfills a much needed service as the tribe awaits word of decision in regards to multiple litigations involving the tribes sovereign rights and those whom have wrought abuses upon it.

Mildred herself, the official tribal historian and tribal artisan, expanded her talents this last month, and at eighty-one years of age, tried painting for the first time. Included in this month’s accompanying pictures is Mildred’s painting.

Again, we at the tribe would like to thank Morada and its surrounding communities for the support and donations, for without such support this program would not be possible.

The tribe would also like to thank Walmart Stores Inc. for their monthly donations and also being active in the local community.

A special thanks to our Elder Mildred Burley whose tireless commitment to the well being of her fellow tribal members, multiple services that she provides and functions that she attends remains an inspiration to us all.

The California Valley Miwok Tribe