This month's Food For Tribal Familes (FFTF) program was especially important due to the upcoming holidays. Our tribal elder Mildred Burley whom oversees and handles the distributions to the Tribe's member families throughout the Motherlode, had the help of another tribal member, "Michele Burley" on this day.
On Monday December 11th, 2017, the California Valley Miwok Tribe conducted what will be the last Food for Tribal Families (FFTF) distribution for 2017. It has been a great year for a program that was initiated by the Tribe in an attempt to assist families within the Tribe that were experiencing undue hardships early in 2017 due to the ineptitude of the local BIA.
The effort was only intended to assist these families during their extreme month of distress, but then actually evolved into a program that the Tribe was able to conduct on a monthly basis. The efforts to continue to run this program would not have even been possible if not for the continued assistance and support from residents of the local Morada community which the tribal offices are located within, Walmart Stores, Inc. whom also have become a contributor and this month in the holiday spirit — COSTCO, whom contributed a box of pies.
We would also like to thank our tribal elder Mildred Burley whom accepts and handles the monthly distributions that go to the federally recognized member tribal families. This month we were especially grateful for our elder overseeing this program as she was due to have major surgery within the days that followed. At the time of this writing, she came through her medical ordeal in spectacular fashion without any issues, so the Tribe also wants to give thanks to all those who attended her sweat, held prayers and vigils that she would be allowed to still be with us as we all still have so much to learn from her.
With all of these blessed events being positive, all of the goodwill the Tribe has received from people, organizations and businesses of good heart, our cherished elders’ health restored and events that are currently unfolding that will affect the future of this Tribe in a positive way.