Tribal elder Mildred Burley (seen here) whom the Food for Tribal Families (FFTF) program, relies greatly upon for all her efforts in distributing donations to actual tribal members residing throughout the motherlode.
On Saturday December 23rd, 2017, The California Valley Miwok Tribe held another, albeit small, food distribution. This distribution, under the Food for Tribal Families program, (FFTF), was undertaken due to Christmas being but a few days away and the Tribe receiving additional good will because of the generosity of others. The weather is turning severely cold and as such, the Tribe wanted to make additional efforts in addressing its members nutritional needs to free up funds for utilities and heating.
We would like to thank the community of Morada for being the main contributor to this program, without whose generosity and donations would not be able to continue. We would also like to thank Walmart Stores, Inc., for the additional 30 pounds of frozen meats. Most of all we are grateful that our tribal elder Mildred Burley, whom the program depends upon and whom the Tribe and surrounding Native American communities adore, survived life threatening surgery earlier this month and is well with only with only a couple of weeks until full recovery.
That is the greatest Christmas present of all.
So for all of you whom are reading this and all those of you that have sent greetings and gifts to the Tribe, we wish you the very merriest of Christmases and happy holidays and hope you have a great new year.
May the great spirit watch over you and bring you and your families the good fortune that he has given us during this holiday season and throughout the New Year.