( The tribe contended with major Covid related issues that caused a delay in story updates, for those who follow, sorry for the delay )
Tribal Offices, Tribal Land, Avenida Central, La Grange, Ca.
The California Valley Miwok Tribe held the December 2020 Food Distribution on Thursday, December 10th. With elections concluded and a new administration about to be sworn in, maybe Washington can now get back to the business of addressing the pressing needs of those who they have sworn to represent.
A vaccination available to all and a stimulus of the size being mentioned would go a long way in addressing everyone’s health and financial needs.
The tribe hope’s all take care over this holiday season and be especially protective around your elders who carry our living histories through teachings handed down and personal experiences of how very different things were in their childhood compared to today.
This food distribution saw additional help from the USDA Tule River Food Distribution Department Specialists due to our own Covid related issues so it is with great concern that the tribe hopes that all take every precaution and stays as healthy and safe as possible during this festive season.
We would like to expressively thank the ( USDA ) United States Department of Agriculture and the Tule River Food Distribution Department.
Also a very special thank you to Specialists Ronald Buckman and Naz for the extra assistance during this distribution in making sure that those unable to attend would still get their distributions unfettered.