
The California Valley Miwok Tribe – located at 10601 Escondido Pl., Stockton, CA (As listed in the Federal Register of the Bureau of Indian Affairs, BIA/DOI), a federally recognized tribe eligible to receive and distribute services from the federal government – on Tuesday, November 9th, did just that with another installment of the Tribe’s food distribution program. The Tribe initiated this program as a service to the local Native American community, when its consultants did a study on the various unmet needs of Native Americans residing within the Tribe’s service area.

Always willing to partner within the Native American community, the USDA began a government to government consultation with the Tribe and upon the Tribe’s acceptance to the program, informed the Tule River Tribe’s food distribution department of the California Valley Miwok Tribe’s inclusion to the program.

After that, Tule River food distribution Director Richard McDarmet and his staff quickly assigned the Tribe a date for monthly distributions and educated the tribal staff on the proper way to conduct distributions. So many successes in helping to alleviate concerns over lack of proper nutrition among our participants and so many personal lasting relationships that the Tribe now enjoys by the founding of this program is the testament to its success.

The Tribe continues to feel blessed that the USDA and the Tule River Tribe have made it possible to be able to provide this service to all Native Americans in and around its service area and thanks them for giving the Tribe this opportunity.