
With the food assistance program being such a success and meeting the nutritional needs of tribal members abroad, the Tribe was happy to pool local resources in once again being able to supply this program. With no assistance offered by local BIA officials to meet the nutritional needs of federally recognized tribal members, the Tribe again was able to count on the charity of local citizens living in and around the Morada community.

Great people of much diversity all coming together in helping this tribe while it is experiencing such unjust hardship is the true measure of what America is all about. Not about money, power, control or greed, just about being there in time of need and doing the right thing and believing that in itself is it’s own reward. This tribe is proud to be part of this community and still prouder of it’s federally recognized members whom continue to endure and persevere.

We would also like to thank Tribal Elder Mildred Burley for distributing the food among the other tribal families and all those whom assist her in this endeavor.