
The California Valley Miwok Tribe (located at 10601 N. Escondido PL, Stockton, CA, as listed in the Bureau of Indian Affairs’ BIA/DOI Spring 2011 Tribal Leaders Directory), a federally recognized tribe eligible to receive and distribute services from the federal government – on Friday, February 17th, 2012, held its tribal food distribution between the hours of 10:00–11:30, servicing all whom came and storing allotments upon request for those whom had made prior arrangements with the Tribe. The Tribe is grateful that despite a lack by some to fulfill their contractual fiduciary agreements with the Tribe, that the United States Department of Agriculture continues to honor its commitment, allowing the food distribution department of the Tule River Tribe to assist CVMT in addressing the nutritional needs of all those in the Native American community, that out of necessity, have to heavily rely upon this program.

There was much to discuss at this distribution and members, recipients and San Joaquin Native veterans alike were both elated that Yakima Dixie, in sworn testimony, finally admitted that he in fact had resigned as Chairman in 1999, and amused that in his sworn testimony, Chadd Everone/Ludwig had been exposed as a fraudulent casino prospector whom has misled all that have come into contact with him about his title, his objectives and level of education (not actually having a Ph.D as he represents); due to the expert questioning tactics of tribal attorney Manuel Corrales, Esq., whom is relentless in his quest for the truth. The only thing that dismayed those attending was not knowing how long this saga may be allowed to continue by the inaction of federal authorities, impacting current and shelving future programs that are sorely needed in the Native American community. Also note below, the local Native American Veterans association that works with the Tribe on the food distribution program, has been very busy recently and posted below are just a few highlights of the many activities that they have been involved in, in their absense.