While Tule River Staffer, Ron Buckman loads the conveyor, CVMT Staffer, Tiger Paulk loads a cart with food allotments for the families participating in the monthly USDA Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations.
On Friday, August 15, 2014, the California Valley Miwok Tribe held its monthly USDA Food Distribution. Each month, qualified participating households receive a USDA food allotment to help them maintain a nutritionally balanced diet. To receive a USDA Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations (FDPIR) application, you may contact the California Valley Miwok Tribe – Tribal Office at (209) 931-4567.
CVMT sincerely thanks the Tule River Reservation (USDA Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations), Mr. Richard McDarment, USDA FDIR Director, Mrs. Patricia Salas, USDA FDIR Intake Manager, Mr. Jesus Salas, USDA FDIR Staff, and Mr. Ronald Buckman, USDA FDIR Staff & driver.